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Music with Ease > Music Dictionary > Words Beginning with "J"

Music Dictionary
-- J --

Jack. (I) In the harpsichord the apright slip of wood on the back end of the key-lever to which is attached a crow-quill or piece of hard leather, projecting at right angles. The quill or piece of leather serves as a plectrum with which the corresponding string was plucked. (2) A part of the action of the pianoforte, the escapement lever, which is also called "hopper."
Jagdhom (Ger. ). A hunting horn.
Jàgerchor (Ger. ). Hunting chorus.
Jaleo (Sp.). A Spanish national dance uf a lively character.
Janitscnarenmusik (Ger. ). The music introduced into Europe by the Janizaries. Military music consisting of wind instru-ments and instruments of percussion, such as drums, cymbals, triangles, Sec.
Jeu (Fr.). (I) Manner of playing. (2) An organ, harmonium, or clavecin stop.*
Jeu à bouche (Fr.). A flue-stop.
Jeu céleste (Fr.). v. Céleste. Jeu d'anches (Fr.). A reed-stop. Jeu d'ange ( Fr. ). The vox angelica stop. Jeu de flute (Fr.). A flute-stop.
Jeu de violes (Fr.). A consort of viols.
Jeu de Voix humaine (Fr.). The vox humana stop.
JeUX ( Fr. ). Plural of jeu.
Jeux doux (Fr.). Soft, sweet stops.
Jew's-harp, or Jew's-trump. A simple metal instrument con-sisting of a frame and an elastic tongue. The player takes the instrument in his mouth, keeps its tongue in vibration by twitching it with one of his fingers, and alters the pitch of the sound by modifications of the cavity of his mouth.
Jig. v. Gigue.
Jodeln. A style of singing practised by the Swiss, the Tyrolese, the inhabitants of the Bavarian Alps, &c, the peculiarity of which

consists in frequent and sudden changes from the chest to the head-voice.
Jongleurs (Fr.). Thus were called in the time of the troubadours and trouvères the professional minstrels and players on instru-ments who either were in the service of the former or travelled about the country independently. Their performances were not confined to singing, playing, and recitation, but comprised —especially in later times — legerdemain, tumbling, rope-dancing, &c.
Juste (Fr.). Correct, with regard to intonation, pitch. Justesse (Fr.). Correctness, with regard to intonation.

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Middle Ages Music
Renaissance Music
Baroque Era Music
Classical Era Music
Romantic Era Music
Nationalist Era Music
Turn of Century Music

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