Music with Ease > Classical Music > Concert Guide: Nationalist Era > Two Northern Melodies. Op. 63 - Grieg
Two Northern Melodies. Op. 63
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
The "Two Northern Melodies," written for string orchestra, is one of Griegs minor compositions, but is characterized by charming melodiousness and graceful construction, as well as by unmistakable local color. The first part, "Im Volkston," is a slow movement, based upon a folk song, as its name indicates. After a few introductory measures the cellos take the melody, accompanied in the remaining strings. The theme is then developed in the violins, and the movement comes to a close with the theme given out fortissimo by all the strings, and a brief Coda. The second movement is extremely simple in form but is delightful in treatment. It opens with a slow, introductory melody, "Kuhreigen" "(The Cowherds Tune"), worked up in all the strings and closes with the "Bauerntanz" ("Peasants Dance"), the melody of which is fascinating. The piece is a dainty bit, reflecting aspects of Norwegian life.