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Music with Ease > Music Dictionary > Words Beginning with "K"

Music Dictionary
-- K --

(Those words not riven under K should be sought under C.)
Kalamaika. A Hungarian dance in \ time full of animation and passion.
Kammercantate (Ger.). Cht mber cantata.
Kammercomponist (Ger.). "Chambercomposer." A composer who had to furnish the compositions required for a prince's private apartments.
Kammerconcert (Ger.). A chamber concerto j or a chamber
Kammer duett (Ger.). Chamber duet. Kammermusik (Ger.). Chamber music.
Kammermusiker (Ger.). "Chamber musician." A title of the
principal members of court orchestras. Kammersänger (Ger.). A singer in the service of a prince. Kammerton (Ger.). "Chamber pitch," concert pitch, {v. Chorton.) Kammervirtuose (Ger.). A virtuoso in the service of a prince. Kanon (Ger.). A canon.
Kapelle (Ger.). A chapel. A musical establishment—consisting of a choir of singers, of a band of instrumentalists, or of both— connected with a church or a court, or in the pay of a nobleman. Now the expression is generally applied to a band of instrumentalists.
Kapellknaben (Ger.). Choirboys.
Kapellmeister (Ger.). A chapel-master. A director of a choir or
of a band. (v. Kapelle.) Keck (Ger.). Forward, bold, pert. Keckheit (Ger.). Forwardness, boldness, pertness. Kenner (Ger.). A connoisseur. Kent Bugle. A keyed bugle. Kenthorn (Ger.). The Kent bugle.
Keras (Gk.). Horn, a wind instrument of the ancient Greeks.

Keraulophon. A sweet-toned 8-feet organ stop. Keren (Heb.). A Hebrew trumpet. Kesselpauke (Ger.). A kettle-drum. KettentriUer (Ger.). A chain of shakes.
Kettle-drum. This instrument consists of a brass or copper kettle, more or less hemispherical, over the top of which is stretched a skin. In the orchestra two kettle-drums are generally employed, sometimes more. Each has a compass of a fifth—the lower may be tuned to any note from F to c, and the higher to any note from B flat to f. Kettle-drums are made to sound by means of two sticks which have a soft knob at one end.

Key. (i) Pitch of the major and minor scale. When we say that a piece or passage is in C, D, E flat, F sharp, &c., major, or in A, G, C sharp, B fiat, &c, minor, we mean that the piece or passage is solely or mainly founded on the major or minor scale which starts from the note specified. As has been shown in the Introduction, there are only two modes (major and minor), but many keys. For an explanation of this, and for the names and signatures of the different keys, consult the Introduction, § V. and § VI. (2) At one time what we now call a clef was called a key. (3) Part of the mechanism of many musical instruments. It is a lever which on being pressed down at one end rises at the other, and thereby causes—to give only two examples—a hammer to strike (as in a pianoforte), or a valve to open (as in the organ and harmonium). Keys very different in form, but levers like the former, are those of flutes, clarinets, &c. They act either directly and open a ventage, or act first on a second lever and close a ventage. (4) An instrument with which the strings of a pianoforte or those of other instruments with metal pins are tuned. It is also called a wrest.
Keyboard. A row of keys, such as we find in the pianoforte, organ, and harmonium.
Key-note. The first note of a scale.
Kicks (Ger.). v. Couac.
Kinnor (Heb.). A Hebrew stringed instrument, either a harp or a lyre. Kirche (Ger.). Church. Kirchenarie (Ger.). A church aria. Kirchencantate (Ger.). A church cantata.
Kirchenlied (Ger.). Lit., "a church song." A hymn, or hymn-tune.
Kirchenmusik (Ger.). Church music.
Kirchenstyl (Ger.). The ecclesiastical style, the style of church music.
Kit. A small pocket violin. Klangf (Ger.). Sound. Klangboden (Ger.). Sound-board. Klangfarbe (Ger.). Quality of sound, timbre. Klanggeschlecht (Ger.). Genus of sounds. The diatoaic, the chromatic, and the enharmonic genus.


Klappe (Ger.). A key of wind instruments like the flute, clarinet,
bassoon, Kent bugle, &c. Klappenhorn (Ger.). A metal wind instrument with keys. The
key-bugle. Klarinette (Ger.). The clarinet.
Klavier (Ger.), (i) A keyboard. (2) A keyboard stringed in-strument: a clavichord, pianoforte, &c.; now especially a square pianoforte.
Klavierauszug (Ger.). A pianoforte score, (v. Ciavierauszug.) Klein (Ger.). (i) Small, little. (2) Minor, with reference to intervals.
Kniegeige (Ger.). A viola da gamba (q.v.). Knopfregal (Ger.). The same as Apfelregai (q.v.). Kolleotivzug (Ger.). Composition pedal. Komponiren (Ger.). To compose. Komponirt (Ger.). Composed. Kopfstimme (Ger.). Head-voice, falsetto. Koppel (Ger.). A coupler.
Kosackisch (Ger.), "in the Cossack style" (alia Cosacca), 01 Kosaokischer Tanz, "Cossack dance." A national dance of the Cossacks. It is in \ time, moderately quick, and generally in minor.
Kraft (Ger.). Strength, vigour, energy.—Mit grosser Kraft, with
great vigour. Kräftig (Ger.). Vigorous.
Krakowiak (Pol.). A Polish dance in \ time of a strongly-marked
rhythm. The same as Cracovienne. Krebsgängig (Ger.). Retrograde, backward, in reference to

Kreischend (Ger.). Shrieking, screeching. Kreuz (Ger.). A sharp (£). Kriegslied (Ger.). A war-song.
Krummbogen (Ger.). A crook for changing the key (pitch) of a horn or trumpet.
Krummhorn (Ger.). Lit., "crooked horn." (1) A cromorne. The name of a family of obsolete wood wind instruments. (2) An organ stop.
Krustische Instrumente (Ger.). Instruments of percussion.
Kuhhorn (Ger.). A cow-horn, Alpine horn.
Kuhreihen, or Kuhreigen (Ger.). The name of the simple
melodies sung or played on the horn by the Swiss herdsmen
when driving the cattle out or in. Kunst (Ger.). Art.
Kunstfuge (Ger.). A fugue in which the composer introduces all imaginable scholastic contrivances.—Meisterfuge and Ricercata are synonymous expressions.
Künstler (Ger.). An artist. A musician as weil as a painter, nculptor, &c

Kurz (Ger.). Short.—Kurz und bestimmt, short and determined. Kurzer Mordent. A short mordent, (v. Introduction, $ XIV., p. 46, &c.)
Kurzer Vorschlag (Ger.). A short appoggiatura. (v. Introduction,
J XIV., p. 39-) Kyrie (Gk.). The first principal part of the mass.

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See also:
Middle Ages Music
Renaissance Music
Baroque Era Music
Classical Era Music
Romantic Era Music
Nationalist Era Music
Turn of Century Music

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